Save for your
dream vacay
Get free text message reminders each month to help you save towards your dream vacation.
But there's a catch...

If you fail to save towards your dream vacation, pledge to put some amount towards a charity of your choosing.

Improve your well being or the well being of a charity.

WARNING: You may receive text messages from us that are rudely funny in nature. 🤷🏻
Answer 6 super short questions to get started and you'll be on your way!
We will only text you for the duration of the service. Text STOP at anytime.
We will never share your phone number with anyone. We hate spam and created this project as a fun way to help people take more time off.
Are you just another statistic??
A recent survey revealed:
25% of people took no vacation time off last year. 50% of people did not use all of their allotted vacation time.
In America alone if more people took allotted vacation time:
$255 billion missed economic opportunity Potential to create 1.9 million jobsNot to mention less mental burn out!!!
Thank you
If you would like to learn how this and other projects are made with no code...check out my newsletter.
It’s the “Get Stacked” Newsletter that talks about how to make and launch a no code side project. So that you can save time and ship faster.
© 2020. Michael Novotny. Maker of this project. This project is part of a series of how to make no code projects for Side Project Stack.